
When is the Right Time to Hire an Associate in your Dental Office?

The right time to hire an Associate in your Dental Office is when your practice is unable to accommodate more patients than you are already serving (profitably). When patients are booked weeks in advance, and you have even more requests for services, it's a good idea to bring in an associate doctor to help, either part-time or full-time, depending on the demand.
When is the Right Time to Hire an Associate in your Dental Office
When is the Right Time to Hire an Associate in your Dental Office

When is the Right Time to Hire an Associate in your Dental Office?

The right time to hire an Associate in your Dental Office is when your practice is unable to accommodate more patients than you are already serving (profitably). When patients are booked weeks in advance, and you have even more requests for services, it's a good idea to bring in an associate doctor to help, either part-time or full-time, depending on the demand.

When is the Right Time to Hire an Associate in your Dental Office?

Hire Associate in Dental Office

What happens if you hire a new associate dentist to help him get started. It may be a good idea, but do you have enough new patients coming into the office to keep him busy, or will you assign him your existing patients?

If you give your existing patients to the new associate and reduce your own workload, you are effectively paying the new associate out of your own pocket. This can become frustrating over time, as having additional staff comes with added responsibilities and requires you to work harder, and if you earn less, it won’t be fun for long.

If you believe it’s better to have this new associate come on board to help as you foresee a need for him in the near future and there isn’t work for him now, there are some things you can do to pay him without taking funds from your own pocket, such as:
Have him cover some hygiene slots – perhaps one day a week – as they are trained to do this, and as has been the case for most of the last 40+ years, hygienists are sometimes not available when you need them.

Look into becoming a provider for additional insurance carriers with whom you currently do not have agreements. This can bring in extra income that can cover the associate’s costs and the office expenses to serve these patients. Examine all available insurance companies. Some insurance co.’s from the past that didn’t pay enough to cover costs but have changed and now pay more. Make sure to ask, inform yourself, and find out how to make it work without hurting yourself financially.

If you have a waiting list, yes, have him help serve your patient base, but make sure to increase your marketing resources to bring in more new clients to your office and enjoy the extra patient flow. The ideal scenario is always to be well-positioned in marketing, with a sufficient percentage of income dedicated to acquiring new patients. This way, hiring an associate makes financial sense.

And as always, don’t let your guard down. If you own the practice, you have the owner’s responsibility to ensure that your future plans can be implemented through your business strategies and management skills. Above all, ensure that your production staff are working well, including yourself as a dentist. By doing this, you should be able to predict and adapt to any changes in the economy and other factors that affect the overall office revenue, ensuring a successful future.

Natural laws that govern the Management of a Dental Office, Hire Associate in Dental Office
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